Microbiologist by day, Chemist by trade, but "Rock & Roller" by heart!

For Jason J. Welch, music has always been a part of his life when he started playing the saxophone for his 5th grade band.  That formal education in music continued on through his high-school years and even in college.  However, he developed a love for rock music early in life after he heard and saw the imagery on Kiss's Alive II record.  Specifically, the images of “The Demon” spitting blood, the sparks, fire and smoke on the inside cover paired with the anthem Shout It Out Loud and Detroit Rock City had him mesmerized.  A kid who always played the “air guitar” to the music finally realized in 1987 that he should try the real deal.  That passion still burns inside him all these years later!

As an independent artist and song writer, Jason's first “hit” came in the form of a company demo for Platinum Samples when his song “Wicked Ways” caught the ear of legendary producer and engineer Andy Johns.

Over the years, Jason has collaborated with many independent artists as a guest musician, a ghost musician, vocalist and even a mix engineer.

With the release of Jason's debut album- Should Have Known Better, he is excited to share his passion with the world.